Flowtest 1



Flowtests can be beneficial to determine well yields or pump performance. Through performance testing, we can determine the specific capacity of the well. Whether you're renozzling a sprinkler package, changing pump design, or checking maximum yield on a well, we can provide accurate flow results.

IMG 0139

Preventative Maintenance Program

Proactive vs. Reactive

Since 1998, we have been in business to help respond to emergencies and breakdowns. We understand the best way to stay ahead to to be proactive. We do this through our Preventative Maintenance Program. This service prevents costly breakdowns and down time for customers in the peak of irrigation season. Included in maintenance are the following:

  • Motor/Gear Head Oil and Grease Change
  • Packing Change and Headshaft Wear Inspection
  • Run a system flowtest to check:
    • GPMs
    • PSI
    • Amperages and Voltages
    • Water Levels
    • Operating Conditions
    • Well Specific Capacity
  • Prepare written inspection report and document yearly

Don't wait

until your pump breaks

Running your pump until it breaks creates EXPENSIVE PROBLEMS. Our preventative maintenance programs are priced minimally to keep customers up and running when water is needed most.